Project planner skills
Project planner skills

Leadership has more to do with molding people than with teaching techniques. The difficult part is that building consensus often requires compromise from the leader, and that runs counter-intuitive to the way most people think about leadership. And getting stakeholders to agree on anything can be devilishly challenging and can test the strongest leaders. We are born with varying capacities and potentials, but our habits and practices are what make the difference.Ĭonsensus is reached when members of a group agree to support the group’s decision even if that decision is not their personal choice. Leadership abilities share some interesting similarities with athletic abilities. Trait #2: Being able to build consensus and lead Some of us might not possess that natural ability but can still accomplish it through training, brute force and discipline.

project planner skills

People with innate project management skills have the ability to function efficiently through the distractions. He estimates that we encounter approximately 40,000,000 elemental “bits” of sensory information that compete for our attention each day. The renowned psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi discusses the ability to tune out distractions in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. It’s not so much that we hear or see more than others but rather that everyone competes for our attention and resources, and the volume of input can overwhelm. Most project management professionals can strongly relate to this. He sees, hears and experiences so much of the world around him that he has difficulty functioning. Think about Man of Steel, where Superman struggles as a child to harness his powerful senses. Natural-born PMs are highly attuned to their environments, cutting down on the haze that often envelops project success, and finding the signals that exist in the midst of the noise. This is also a value that effective project managers bring to a project. He accomplished this by the strange ritual of wetting the front sights of his rifle, claiming that it “cut down on the haze.” He had an uncanny knack for being able to strategically identify, prioritize and eliminate targets.

#Project planner skills movie

In the movie Sargent York, Gary Cooper portrayed a real-life war hero who was an amazing marksman. Trait #1: Being able to identify, and focus on, what’s important

project planner skills

Here, we’ll take a look at four key traits that natural-born project managers possess.

project planner skills

I do believe that great project managers can be made, but having the right mixture of innate skills and temperament is a great place to begin. Good project managers possess an interesting balance of nature vs. We bring order to the chaos that surrounds most projects, and it can be incredibly challenging. That’s why our job as project management professionals exists in the first place. The second law of thermodynamics states that randomness and disorder never naturally decrease in a system.

Project planner skills